It is a process for developing individual skills and effectiveness. Individual effectiveness, in terms of skills, knowledge and attitude, is one of the essential building blocks towards achievement of the wider goal of improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The development of the individual and the organization are therefore inextricably linked
Training policy could be stated as
To provide cost-effective training for the Company which is clearly identified with, and is supportive of, current and future business requirements, to agreed standards and within financial limits determined by the board?
§ Training can and must make a significant contribution towards securing both individual and organization objectives.
§ Every manager, potential manager and employee must receive the training required to perform his/her job effectively.
§ Training must deliver real tangible and measurable results.
§ To satisfy present and future company needs created by organizational growth and change, accelerating business technology and increasing competition.
§ To achieve the maximum possible learning in the shortest possible time.
§ To ensure that training effectiveness is measured.
§ To provide high quality training and support services to the staff of Company Name on all aspects of technical / non-technical / behavioral / spiritual progress.
§ Enable Help & Support for Planning and Design of a trainer.
§ Aid in identifying training requirements and areas.
§ To make an inventory of people with detailed information on their skill and qualification.
§ To prioritize groups according to the training needs.
Objectives of Training Policy
§ To impart a new entrant the basic knowledge and skill they need for an intelligent performance of definite tasks.
§ To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing them to the latest concepts, information, techniques and developing the skills they will need in their particular fields.
§ To offer a range of Multi Skills training, subject to available resources, in response to the needs of our customers / new technical advancements.
§ To offer a consistently high quality of support and training in multi skills to all staff members working with Company Name
§ To offer provision for documentation, learning materials and training wherever possible.
§ Clarify training plans in individual personal development portfolios as the prime mechanism assisting in the achievement of corporate objectives.
§ Finally individual or group training objectives should be used to design personal development portfolios, design training events and/or development experiences and drive delivery and subsequently assess performance improvement
Training Objectives are derived from -
· Training needs analysis
· Performance assessment of personal development portfolios
· Stating the targeted improvement in output or performance required as a result of training and/or development.
· Corporate aims, objectives need assigning to each senior manager, in turn they have to be broken down to functional sections/work groups or individuals as appropriate. Consequently all levels become aware of their "assignment".
Need for Training
· Changes occurring at an increasing pace in technology, information systems, attitudes to and behavior at work etc.
· A need to make and manage cost reductions.
· A requirement for more professionalism.
· A need for more analytical and assertive business management.
· A more flexible, aware and demanding work force.
· More critical and selective customers.
· An increasing diversification of the technology and human skills.
Kinds of training that can be conducted
1. Internal programs conducted by HRD-
· Technical programs
· General management programs
· Behavioral programs
2. External training workshops conducted by different bodies
3. Induction programs
4. Spiritual value based programs for all employees
5. Job rotation, Assigning programs etc.
· The prime responsibility to train would lie with the immediate superior however colleagues and cross-functional members would also be responsible to train the other members.
· Training must be supported by and, wherever possible, involve senior management.
· Every manager has a prime responsibility to develop his/her subordinates.
The responsibility would lie with the HR Department to organize all the training programs.
Training Budget
HR Department will submit at the beginning of each financial year the budget for Training & Development activities to Board of Partners. The budget will include:
· Report on last years training activities including efficacy.
· Training Man days achieved and budget for current year.
· Training costs budgeted for external programs.
· Internal training programs and costs.
· Capital investments including training equipment planned.
· Segment & skill wise training calendar for the year.
· Trainers developed during last year and planned for current year.
Sanctioning authority
Within budgeted activities HR Executive shall organize all training activities. Any Training activity not budgeted for shall be only with prior approval of the Board of Partners.
Training Calendar
Training calendar shall be submitted to Partner and upon approval shall be circulated to all HODs and concerned. The Training Calendar must be prepared in close consultation with all HODs so as to ensure no overlapping dates appear in the training calendar vis-à-vis normal functioning of the organization.
Training Calendar shall consist of following information:
· Program details
· Dates
· Duration & Timings
· Type of Program -External/Internal
· Faculty
· Participants Profile
· Follow up sessions
Details of the Training Programs (Format)
Training executive will ensure the process is in place well in advance for the year as well as for monthly training calendars.
Implementation of Training Calendar is the responsibility of Manager Training, HR Executive; in addition HODs shall provide inputs for training of respective departmental needs.
Training Needs Analysis
Organizational training needs analysis should consider
§ Operational plans
· Strategic plans
§ Corporate aims, for example to:
o Improve performances
o Cope with Change
o Improve communications and team working
o Plan succession
Training need identification
· Ways to identify
1. Individual feedback on training needs
2. Appraisal
3. Individual personal files & performance
4. Technical needs of the organization
5. Customer feedback
6. HOD feedback
7. From external advertisements
· Training need identification survey shall focus on identifying three types of training needs:
ü Organizational Needs
ü Development Needs
ü Functional Needs
· The outcome of the Training Need Analysis should be summarized function wise and quarter wise for each employee.
· Based on this analysis, the training plan should be devised to provide Value Added Training to all the employees of Company Name.
Training Need Identification
Training Evaluation
§ Evaluation is a de-briefing with ones immediate superior soon after a learning experience and gathering appropriate evidence, analyzing and interpreting that evidence and then making a judgment.
§ How to Evaluate Training –
Collect appropriate evidence to demonstrate compliance with the organization's defined values and behaviors
Collaborate its validity, currency, sufficiency and authenticity and make your judgments
§ Evaluation questions-
ü Whether the required changes have taken place
ü Whether the organization has got the return it sought and if not why not
ü What remedial action is required
ü May be what new initiatives, whether training or change based, might be initiated
§ Evidence can be collected from various sources and in a number of ways, e.g.:
ü By interviewing holders of personal development portfolios (to obtain, for example, personal accounts of decisions and actions taken in different situations)
ü By sampling outputs of their work (e.g. letters to customers, minutes of meetings, reports, work instructions, plans, schedules, programs)
ü By searching appraisal and other performance management records
ü By completing psychometric, competence or capability tests
ü By interviewing their immediate superiors and colleagues
ü By holders of personal development portfolios completing self-assessment questionnaires
ü By direct observation at work or in assessment centers.
Designing Courses and Supplying Training Materials
§ All learning experiences must be designed to meet the basic learning process which should include that participants are -
ü Motivated to learn
ü Receive an input of new information and ideas
ü Able to evaluate their understanding
ü Able to practice the new knowledge and get feedback on their performance in a realistic but safe environment before applying the new knowledge and skills to achieve results on the job.
§ Learning program design therefore should, (in addition to fulfilling the objectives of knowledge and skills development), look at-
ü Learning methods
ü Individual Learning Styles
ü Incorporating the learning cycle
ü Structuring it into learning modules
ü Work based assignments
ü Individual Personal development portfolios
Training nomination HRD department shall circulate training calendar. HODs and employees in addition to the identified training needs shall nominate for the training programs through training nomination forms. Training feedback- technical & behavioral Training feedback shall be evaluated and recorded as per the feedback form specified and provided for as annexure.
Trainee Induction Policy shall lay down the method and processes for inducting new trainees into the organization and shall be correlated with the Recruitment Policy.
The Prime responsibility of inducting Trainees shall be of HR Department in close coordination with the departmental heads concerned.
The number of Trainees to be inducted shall be as per the future requirements as spelled out into the Manpower Plan.
Training Period
The training period in all the executives shall be maintained as six months wherein only in exceptional cases the period can be reduced with due sanction and approval by Director.
Probation Period
Upon completion of six-month training, each trainee shall continue to be on probation for a period of six months after which an assessment shall be conducted and the concerned trainee shall be absorbed in regular rolls of the company.
Selection Panel
For Selection Panel refer Recruitment Policy.
Selection Process
Every candidate is expected to submit the following prior to interview:
§ Bio-Data
§ 4 passport size Photographs
§ Application format duly filled
§ Relevant copies of certificates
§ Proof of residence
The selection process shall consist of some or all of the following tests:
§ Written IQ / Numerical ability Test
§ Written technical test
§ Psychometric Tests
§ Interview with the Technical HOD
The assessment sheets of all the candidates shall be maintained in the personal files of the selected candidates for the future reference.
Upon selection Trainee would be required to submit essential documents. The trainee is required to undergo the following training modules:
Induction Orientation 03 Days
On the Job training 07 Days
Completion of Training
The confirmation from trainee to probation is not automated rather the trainee will be required to undergo a suitable assessment test to ascertain the assimilation level of his learning. After assessment if the candidate is not found suitable, he is not eligible for further employment with the company. The training period shall be extended for 6 months as per the recommendation of the HOD. The apprenticeship period can be extended for a minimum of 6 months. He/she can then be appointed as an on the job trainee
Each trainee shall be placed under a suitable level mentor throughout his training period and the mentor shall be equally responsible towards the performance of the trainee and his learning abilities. Mentor shall maintain a record book and submit a weekly report to the Functional Head on the performance of the trainee. He shall also conduct weekly review.
Termination Process
As per the statutory provisions during the training scheme, notice of 24 hrs has to be given to the trainee before terminating his/her services
Induction Manual
Each trainee shall be given the Induction manual for reference so that he/she shall easily understand the processes and procedures of the company. It is the responsibility of HR Department to give the manual to the trainees.
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This article is great.....keep it up buddy...
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